Surgical facelift – review 4

Published by Laura Kane

Date posted — 8.04.24

Laura Kane

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Three cheers for the legendary Dr Rhona! Hip-hip!
Big news! We've just launched a new online resource for all of our patients at 

We could call it a new website, but that wouldn't really do it justice. 

This is the product of almost four years of work painstakingly listening to the questions our patients ask us over and over again and piecing together a resource that should answer almost every question you might possibly have about aesthetic treatment options. 

We’re very thankful to all of the patients who have allowed us to use their pictures to extensively illustrate what the best treatment options are for each feature. 

We've also included video content to almost every page so you can watch for yourself and see how the treatments work alongside the results, as well as in depth videos from our team, with more to come!

I really hope you find the new site to be informative and helpful in educating you on your best treatment options. 

Here's a quick whistlestop tour of the new site and the link is in our bio. If you have the time to take a look, I’d love to hear your feedback - particularly if there is anything you think we’ve missed or would like to see added. Let me know in the comments.
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And this is why we talk so much about skin quality in the clinic! You can reduce lines and wrinkles with injectables, and achieve youthful facial contours, but to truly look youthful the skin needs to be in optimal condition too. 

This patient opted for full laser resurfacing. She didn't have too many wrinkles, but did have a lot of sun damage - especially a lot of dark pigmentation below the eye. 

As well as reducing the lines and wrinkles, we were able to clear almost all of this pigment for her and her skin is glowing as a result. This is her two months out from her treatment, loving life with her new skin. 

What do you think?

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