McKeown Medical
167 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4SQ
Fusce euismod quam eget est auctor, vitae ultrices magna euismod. Maecenas ullamcorper ex eu volutpat vulputate. Aliquam ultricies nibh vel odio scelerisque, vel condimentum enim faucibus.
Medically reviewed — 19.03.24
Etiam mi augue, vestibulum eu laoreet et, placerat fringilla neque. Vivamus vel ante ut erat bibendum bibendum id rhoncus diam. Nulla viverra varius ligula vitae iaculis. Cras quis egestas lectus, quis vulputate neque. Nunc quis bibendum tellus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed arcu molestie, maximus nunc vitae, dictum mi. Integer sit amet tincidunt sapien. Duis eu nulla pulvinar, fermentum urna eu, condimentum libero. Donec consectetur est odio, sit amet rutrum purus sodales at. Aliquam quis mauris scelerisque, sodales metus sit amet, pharetra purus.
Phasellus at elementum tortor, eu consequat libero. Pellentesque venenatis odio nec lobortis iaculis. Proin a cursus augue, nec faucibus ante.
Fusce euismod quam eget est auctor, vitae ultrices magna euismod. Maecenas ullamcorper ex eu volutpat vulputate.
Aliquam ultricies nibh vel odio scelerisque, vel condimentum enim faucibus. Ut et lacus leo. Praesent molestie odio consequat odio feugiat ultrices. Nullam faucibus ornare dolor nec vulputate.
Etiam mi augue, vestibulum eu laoreet et, placerat fringilla neque. Vivamus vel ante ut erat bibendum bibendum id rhoncus diam. Nulla viverra varius ligula vitae iaculis. Cras quis egestas lectus, quis vulputate neque. Nam malesuada convallis malesuada.
Sed sit amet velit nec elit posuere fermentum. Cras molestie suscipit quam commodo pellentesque. Donec risus tortor, tincidunt egestas purus nec, malesuada vestibulum urna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
I genuinely can’t thank the team enough, you are all an absolute credit to the industry. I’d have no hesitation recommending you guys to anyone!!
Lee Penman01.01.2024
Nam malesuada convallis malesuada. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam lobortis dolor id molestie rutrum.
Aliquam ultricies augue nec mauris fermentum, a lacinia sem euismod. In scelerisque lorem placerat sollicitudin dignissim. Sed sit amet velit nec elit posuere fermentum. Cras molestie suscipit quam commodo pellentesque.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin imperdiet rutrum felis, at lobortis risus interdum sit amet. Nullam sit amet congue turpis. Donec interdum orci congue blandit blandit. Duis consequat erat a libero suscipit laoreet.
Quisque lobortis semper dictum. Duis lacinia lectus fringilla turpis eleifend, id rhoncus velit gravida. Mauris interdum nulla tortor, eget fermentum quam ullamcorper at.
Etiam eget erat justo. Suspendisse pellentesque dolor magna, et blandit lorem rhoncus id. Aenean molestie commodo nulla, ac vehicula dui pretium id. Nulla tincidunt consectetur sem, vel vulputate ex porta id.
Curabitur semper eget diam eu aliquet. Nullam ac dui quis nunc efficitur feugiat. Aliquam libero elit, dapibus in ornare eu, eleifend commodo nulla. Integer vel pretium sapien.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin ac vehicula libero.
Curabitur vel tincidunt diam.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Proin ac vehicula libero.
Curabitur vel tincidunt diam.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet tortor id massa dictum pellentesque. Curabitur auctor blandit purus.
Vivamus id sagittis dui. Quisque sem nisi, tincidunt eu condimentum at, consequat sit amet arcu.
Suspendisse rhoncus ut erat in ullamcorper.
Duis leo ligula, facilisis vitae ante at.
Suspendisse rhoncus ut erat in ullamcorper.
Duis leo ligula, facilisis vitae ante at.
Vivamus ullamcorper facilisis ex vel fringilla. Duis imperdiet in justo et feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Praesent nec sagittis risus, a lobortis tortor. Duis ut ex aliquam, congue lacus eget, semper sapien.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et sem lorem? Donec ut diam elementum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec nibh lobortis, posuere tellus sit amet, sodales arcu.
Cras vulputate fringilla lobortis. Etiam varius a felis et pharetra. Nullam ornare ex massa, et faucibus lectus aliquam in. Aliquam quis ipsum a mi elementum laoreet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam tempor orci nec bibendum facilisis. Etiam in imperdiet nibh.
A complete guide to recovery from upper eyelid surgery.
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A complete guide to recovery from upper eyelid surgery.
In case you missed it, here’s Dr Rhona & Dr Iain’s live Q&A on all things perimenopause, menopause and HRT. Thanks to everyone who joined and asked questions. We’ll be doing more of these so keep an eye out for the next one!
And if you’d like to know more about our menopause services, check out the link in our bio!
We`re going live tonight at 7pm! Join Dr Rhona and Dr Iain (@driainmartin) this evening on Instagram live, where they`ll be discussing everything about perimenopause & menopause, including: �
Symptoms & early signs
Treatment options, including HRT
Myths vs facts - getting the right information
They`ll also be answering your questions live, so if there`s anything you`d like to ask, leave a comment, send us a message or head to our stories.
We hope you can join us!
Crepey skin under the eyes is one of the most common complaints we hear of in the clinic.
The best way to treat it is using laser resurfacing. This is one of our patients just one week out from treatment. He healed exceptionally fast (most people still have a bit of redness at this stage) and is already looking great.
What do you think?
The nose can be one of the most challenging parts of the face to get right.
This lovely patient had a previous rhinoplasty, but she felt it was over done, making it too short and upturned. I used some filler to restore some height to the bridge of the nose as well as lengthen and de-rotate the tip.
She is over the moon with the result, which looks much more natural than the previous surgery. What do you think?
Happy International Women’s Day! Today, our incredible women’s health team are in the Herald talking about access to women’s health services in Scotland. You can read the full article at the link in our bio.
We carried out a survey of our patients and were blown away by the response - almost 1200 of you replied, and the message was very clear. Women don’t feel their health problems are taken seriously by the medical establishment and they are tired of being fobbed off. The Scottish Government introduced a plan to overhaul women’s health services from 2021 - 2024. Yet here we are in 2025 and our survey is saying that nothing has changed.
We’re calling on the government to go further and faster! What’s your view?
The power of laser!
Thank you to this lovely patient who has allowed us to share her incredible results with you.
This patient had some deep lines and wrinkles around her mouth and under her eyes, so we opted for full laser resurfacing to deliver her the best result. She’s just weeks after her procedure so still a little pink, but the lines around her mouth are significantly reduced and the lines under her eyes are gone!
The lines that are left around the lips can now be easily addressed with a small amount of filler to finish the transformation off. When the lines are deep like this, we often go with combination treatments for the best results.
The patient is absolutely delighted with the results. What do you think?
If you’d like to find out more about this treatment, check the full laser resurfacing link in our bio for more before & afters and pricing information.
We’ve just announced our brand new women’s health service, and the first clinic we’re introducing is our menopause service.
Led by our consultant gynaecologist, Dr Iain Martin, our service is designed to deliver expert, evidence-based care for women navigating the menopause.
We’ve developed our service to give you access to expert advice and support with packages that put your priorities and goals at the heart of everything. From simple menopause consultations where we assess your symptoms and, where appropriate, make recommendations on HRT prescriptions, to more advanced consultations with investigations and tests to help you optimise your health, our priority is making sure you are listened to and feel heard.
We also know that continuity of care matters, so in addition to our menopause packages we’re delighted to announce our menopause subscription service, allowing you to have regular follow ups and ongoing care with the same specialist as your needs evolve.
If you’d like to know more about any of our packages, check the link in our bio to visit our website, or send us a message and we’d be delighted to help.
We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new women’s health services today!
We asked you - our patients - how this service should look and over 1200 of you responded to say that you’re tired of being dismissed and that you want specialist care with continuity. At McKeown Medical, we plan to change that.
Launching today, our women’s health service - led by our medical director Dr Rhona Cameron and consultant gynaecologist Dr Iain Martin (@driainmartin) - has been designed, using your feedback, to give you the access to the expert advice and investigations you need to take control of your health.
Our menopause clinic includes a range of options depending on your needs, from a simple consultation and follow up with Dr Iain, to blood testing and an overall wellness screening.
Here’s Dr Iain with a quick introduction, and you can check the link in our bio for more information on our menopause options!
Thank you so much to our incredible patient for allowing us to share her picture.
This patient had a challenging problem, with some pretty deep lines all around the mouth. To tackle a problem like this, we need to take a combined approach - no one treatment on its own is going to cut it. We did some laser resurfacing to smooth the surface of the skin, and added in a little volume to take out the deeper folds.
This is her a couple of months out and looking and feeling great. What do you think?