McKeown Medical
167 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4SQ
Date posted — 21.10.24
One of the most commonly complained about features in the clinic is jowls. People, especially women, hate them – reminding them of their mother or other elderly relatives. People often think jowls are simply the result of gravity: they are not! The process that results in the formation of jowls or sagging in the lower face is much more complex than simply gravity. In this article I want to help you understand what causes sagging jowls and what the best options are to treat jowls.
Jowls refer to the sagging or drooping skin that in the lower cheek, typically along the jawline. This change in facial contour is often associated with ageing and most people will develop jowls as they get older, although some people will develop them younger and more severely than others.
You will hear that jowls are caused by ‘gravity’ or ‘loss of collagen and elastin from the skin’. These are, in my view, outdated views. The evolution of jowls starts with changes much deeper in the face – at the level of the bone. As we get older the bones of the face are gradually reabsorbed, resulting in loss of structural support for the overlying soft tissues. This allows the soft tissues – i.e. the skin and fat – to glide forward, collecting at the retaining ligament beside the chin and resulting in the fleshy pockets of tissue we associate with jowls.
There are a number of factors that contribute to how quickly people develop jowls in life, and to what extent they develop.
Understanding these factors can help in formulating the best approach to treating jowls in your particular case.
The basic underlying shape of your face is a strong predictor of how quickly or severely you may develop jowls as you get older. Since loss of bone is the key factor undermining the process of jowl formation, it stands to reason that people who have a more delicate bone structure will develop jowls faster and more severely than those who have a stronger natural bone structure.
If for example you have quite a petite chin naturally this can look quite delicate and feminine when you are young. However, as you age and bone is lost, it predisposes you to forming jowls earlier and more severely than someone with a stronger bone structure. If you look at actresses like Angeline Jolie, who has an especially strong chin and jaw, which can almost look masculine in youth, these women rarely have problems with jowl formation until much later in life.
Genetics also play a role in the development of jowls, although it is most likely down to the inherited facial shape and bone structure that runs in your family. It is possible that other genetic factors – like skin elasticity – may play a part although it’s not as significant as the inherited bone structure.
Lifestyle factors can significantly impact the severity of jowls. Rapid weight loss – especially through intense aerobic exercise like endurance running – typically burns fat from the fact, resulting in additional loss of support to the overlying skin and worsening of the jowls. Yes, I just said it – too much exercise can be a bad thing (well, as far as your face is concerned anyway).
Habits such as smoking and excessive sun exposure can accelerate skin aging, although this typically affects the surface of the skin more than the deeper jowl formation.
The good news is that we now have a range of both surgical and non-surgical options to treat jowls. I’m going to tell you which treatments I think are effective, and which are a waste of money and most importantly WHY.
Ok, you might not like to hear this, but the gold standard way of treating jowls remains the good old facelift. This doesn’t mean it’s the only way to treat jowls, there are other non-surgical options, but facelift surgery is still the best option if you want the maximum improvement possible.
The facelift operation involves opening the skin at the ears, separating the skin from the underlying tissues and then truly repositioning the tissues of the face. The good news is that facelift techniques have improved considerably over the decades and most expert facelift surgeons agree that the deep plane technique is the best way of doing this. In performing a deep plane facelift, instead of simply tightening things around the edges, the surgeon lifts the deeper tissues of the face as a separate layer, releasing the ‘retaining ligaments’ that hold the face in place, and truly repositions the tissues. By properly repositioning the tissues, you avoid placing unnecessary tension on the skin and avoid the pulled of stretched look.
Ok, so facelift surgery isn’t for you. That’s ok, the good news is that there are effective alternatives. The most effective non-surgical alternative for treating jowls is filler injections. Yes, I know that conjures up images of stuffy over filled pillow faces – but please bear with me for a minute.
If you remember what we said about about loss of bone and fat being instrumental in the underlying cause of jowl formation – you can begin to understand why volume restoring injections (using dermal fillers) could be an effective strategy.
The key to treating jowls with dermal fillers however is to focus on replacing what has been lost, restoring what was there previously. Occasionally, for example if you have a receding chin it can be helpful to use the filler injections to increase the chin projection – but this needs to be done cautiously with expert precision.
The best way to illustrate this is with some before and after examples of patients who treated their jowls using dermal filler injections. All of these patients treated their jowls with fillers and I hope you agree that none of them look like they had filler. It’s all down to the correct diagnosis of the underlying problem and accurate employment of treatment strategy.
You will read a lot about skin tightening procedures using either radiofrequency or ultrasound therapy. Whilst these types of treatments do have a role in improving skin quality, which can create a more youthful look, if you go back to thinking about what we said about the underlying causes of jowls you can understand why they are not particularly effective at treating jowls.
Thread lifts sound like a great option for lifting jowls. You just pop in a little stitch and it tacks everything back? Unfortunately this simply puts a bit of tension on the skin for a short period of time. Because there has been no real tissue repositioning, the lifting effect is very short lived. I’ve used threads in my own practice, because like everyone else I wanted to believe in their effectiveness, but I stopped using them over a decade ago. They simply do not work.
The best way of assessing the outcome of any procedure is to look at before and after photos. Honest before and after photos normally show a good degree of improvement, but you will rarely see perfection! There are so many variables involved in both anatomy and healing that even with the best technique in the world, the perfect result is rarely achieved – but a good improvement is the norm.
The anti-ageing ‘business’ is both lucrative and ferocious. Everyone wants a slice of the pie and there will be no shortage of people who will sell you treatments and procedures with promises of miraculous results. The best advise is to find a doctor you think you can trust and listen to what they say. Do not shop around until you find someone who tells you what you want to hear.
During the consultation, your doctor should discuss your goals, concerns, and suitability for different treatment options. This should feel like an information gathering and exchange process rather than a sales pitch. Your doctor should want to really understand your medical background and what your concerns are before coming up with a bespoke plan for you.
Understanding the causes and treatments of jowls is the first step towards making an informed decision about your aesthetic journey. Knowledge is power, and it can help you navigate the complex world of aesthetic medicine with confidence.
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We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new women’s health services today!
We asked you - our patients - how this service should look and over 1200 of you responded to say that you’re tired of being dismissed and that you want specialist care with continuity. At McKeown Medical, we plan to change that.
Launching today, our women’s health service - led by our medical director Dr Rhona Cameron and consultant gynaecologist Dr Iain Martin (@driainmartin) - has been designed, using your feedback, to give you the access to the expert advice and investigations you need to take control of your health.
Our menopause clinic includes a range of options depending on your needs, from a simple consultation and follow up with Dr Iain, to blood testing and an overall wellness screening.
Here’s Dr Iain with a quick introduction, and you can check the link in our bio for more information on our menopause options!
Thank you so much to our incredible patient for allowing us to share her picture.
This patient had a challenging problem, with some pretty deep lines all around the mouth. To tackle a problem like this, we need to take a combined approach - no one treatment on its own is going to cut it. We did some laser resurfacing to smooth the surface of the skin, and added in a little volume to take out the deeper folds.
This is her a couple of months out and looking and feeling great. What do you think?
Some Friday night reading fun!
This is a letter I sent to Jenni Minto this week, in response to her suggestion that her job is to balance protecting the public with protecting the business interests of beauty salons.
There is no other way to describe it: she is simply wrong. I sent this letter to her earlier this week, and have been talking to the Herald about the issues. I just cannot get my head around her logic. In no other area of regulation would you consider relaxing standards to protect business interests knowing full well that those relaxed standards harm the public?
You can read the full story in the Herald at the link in our bio.
What do you think?
We are all absolutely DELIGHTED for this lovely patient who got an incredibly lovely result from her recent deep plane face and neck lift by our talented facelift expert Russell Bramhall, @bramhallplasticsurgery.
The deep plane facelift is now accepted as the gold standard technique for performing facelifts. It is a much more complex procedure that involves going deeper under the muscles of the face to truly reposition the face, rather than just make it a bit tighter. The results are much more natural and longer-lasting than more basic versions of the facelift.
We can now offer these procedures under sedation in our new premises. This means you go off for a nice deep sleep during your procedure, but wake up much faster and recover quicker than with a full general anaesthetic.
If you have any questions or want to start your journey, we`re here to help! Drop us a message any time.
Laser season continues and I thought you might like to see behind the scenes of a full field laser resurfacing treatment.
This is our wonderful patient Carol who kindly allowed us to film her procedure from start to finish. Carol is pretty typical of patients we treat with this procedure - she`s a former smoker who has also spent a lot of time in the sun as well as using sunbeds, so she`s picked up quite a lot of skin damage over the years.
I treated her full face, with particular focus on the lines around her lips, and she is absolutely over the moon with her results! Watch for Carol`s full procedure and an insight into the recovery process.
If you`re thinking about getting a laser treatment, now is the time to do it while the days are darker and social calendars are still a bit quieter. Send us a message if you`d like to find out if you`d be suitable for this treatment.
Thank you to our delightful patient who had full field laser resurfacing just before Christmas.
She was especially bothered by some deeper lines and wrinkles on her cheeks, around her mouth and under eyes. She also wanted some general skin tightening. I just saw her back in the clinic this week for a follow up and she is already over the moon with her results. She still has a little pinkness, but just look at that youthful glow!
What do you think?
We`re often asked about threads in the clinic and why we don`t offer them. Here`s our Medical Director Dr Rhona explaining what threads are, why we don`t use them, and why fillers are a much more reliable option for people looking for non-surgical rejuvenation.
Before anyone says "Ah, but I don`t want a big fat face" - Dr Rhona has filler in pretty much every part of her own face, and I think we can agree she does not have a fat face! The key to non-surgical rejuvenation is addressing the anatomy, not following the trends!
What do you think?
#threads #dermalfiller #threadsvsfillers
The power of the chin! Improving a recessed chin with some filler is one of the most effective ways of reducing the appearance of jowls, without surgery.
This is an example of one of Dr Rhona`s patients who had this done recently.
The patient was delighted with the result. What do you think?
#fillers #chinfiller #jowls #nonsurgical
As most of you will know, I’ve been campaigning for years for regulation of aesthetic procedures in Scotland. It’s something that I feel extremely passionate about. There are too many people in this country who are harmed from cosmetic procedures and the government has chosen to look the other way.
The government have finally agreed to bring in regulations, but in my view, they are too little too late and I’ve been writing about it in the Herald this morning (read the article at the link in my bio) and talking about it on BBC Radio Scotland`s Good Morning Scotland (you can listen here and on BBC Sounds).
The proposed regulations will make a list of procedures medic only, but they have proposed to allow beauticians to keep injecting fillers in ‘Group 2`. This is the wrong approach and is all to do with politics, rather than patient safety. Filler injections are more invasive and more high risk than most of the procedures they are making medic only and its very clear fillers belong in Group 3, medic only.
There is a consultation on the regulations live right now and I would urge all of our patients and followers to fill it in, pointing out the discrepancy of allowing beauticians to carry on doing fillers whilst banning them from much more benign procedures like PRP. This needs to be about patient safety, not politics.
You can fill out a response to the consultation at the link in my bio.
Thank you!
(To all of our international followers struggling to get their head around this, in the UK we have a situation where yone - with no training and no regulation - can set up shop offering cosmetic procedures. We are campaigning to bring Scotland in line with every other country and ban this practice!)