
With each passing decade, we lose volume from the mid-face and cheeks. This occurs as the fatty tissue breaks down or becomes displaced – but it is also due to the shrinking (or reabsorption) of the facial bone structure. These changes result in a hollowed mid-face and cheek area, as well as poor support for the skin, which manifests in a tired or sad appearance – regardless of how the patient actually feels. This can be frustrating when they are relaxed, sleeping well, and in good spirits.

With each passing decade, we lose volume from the mid-face and cheeks. This occurs as the fatty tissue breaks down or becomes displaced – but it is also due to the shrinking (or reabsorption) of the facial bone structure. These changes result in a hollowed mid-face and cheek area, as well as poor support for the skin, which manifests in a tired or sad appearance – regardless of how the patient actually feels. This can be frustrating when they are relaxed, sleeping well, and in good spirits.

Finding the right treatment for your concern

Sagging cheeks

Find out more about our treatments for sagging cheeks.

Lower cheek wrinkles

Find out more about Lower cheek wrinkles.

The anatomy of a cheek

The cheek is a surprisingly large area with a number of different layers, all of which need to be taken into account when planning treatment. The fat in the cheek area is divided into a number of compartments, and spread across two levels: the superficial layer and the deep layer. Further underpinning these compartments is the facial skeleton, which props up the mid-face. It is important to strengthen every single structure of the cheek anatomy – not only to create a refreshed and harmonious appearance in the long-term, but also to support the rest of the features.

Supporting the mid-face

In many ways, the cheek is the foundation of the face. Ensuring that the cheeks are well-supported helps to reduce the appearance of jowls, while preventing the under-eye region from being dragged downwards. The best way to reinforce the structure of the mid-face is with dermal fillers – however, many women are scared about augmenting the cheek area for fear of looking “puffy” or obvious. Our advanced aesthetic doctors are experts at Cheek Filler, and use high volumes to address every single layer of the facial structure – ensuring a result that is both subtle and in keeping with your own natural anatomy.

Expert injecting

At the McKeown Medical, our skill lies in knowing where, and how much, to inject – while always taking the face of the individual into account. For example, if a patient needs more of a lift to the cheek, we may inject in the top of the cheekbone itself; right on the bone. If someone has lost a lot of volume to the mid-face, we will inject very deeply into the cheek area as well as the outer, lateral cheek – to avoid the tell-tale “hamster cheeks” look. After all, everyone loses volume from the mid-face: the trick is knowing where from, and how to restore it.

Your Expert Team

Medical Director

Dr Rhona Cameron

Dr Rhona Cameron is a skilled injector who has been extensively trained in Dr McKeown’s signature intuitive technique. Her treatments blend advanced facial optimisation with powerful, energy-based devices – such as lasers, BBL and radio frequency – energising the appearance and enhancing skin health. approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.


Dr Darren McKeown

Our founder, Dr Darren McKeown, is renowned for his expertise and artistry with dermal fillers. As a peer-reviewed medical author, he is passionate about treatments that stand up to scientific scrutiny. Above all, Dr McKeown believes in a global approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.

Some other areas of specialism

Cheek filler

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