McKeown Medical
167 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4SQ
Lower cheek wrinkles are the lines we get on the lower part of the cheek, that normally get worse during facial animation such as speaking or laughing. These lines are normally associated with more advanced degrees of sun damage and whilst we can sometimes use facial fillers to lessen their appearance, the best approach is normally to use laser resurfacing to treat the underlying skin damage.
Lower cheek wrinkles are the lines we get on the lower part of the cheek, that normally get worse during facial animation such as speaking or laughing. These lines are normally associated with more advanced degrees of sun damage and whilst we can sometimes use facial fillers to lessen their appearance, the best approach is normally to use laser resurfacing to treat the underlying skin damage.
This is an example of full field skin resurfacing for advanced skin damage, which results in the most dramatic degree of improvement possible.
This is an example of full field skin resurfacing for advanced skin damage, which results in the most dramatic degree of improvement possible.
This is an example of full field skin resurfacing for advanced skin damage, which results in the most dramatic degree of improvement possible.
This is an example of full field skin resurfacing for advanced skin damage, which results in the most dramatic degree of improvement possible.
The most effective treatment for lines on the lower cheek is usually laser resurfacing treatment. In the earlier stages, where the lines are minor and the overall condition of the skin is reasonably good, a fractional laser treatment like the Halo laser may be enough. In the most advanced cases however full field resurfacing may be the best option. This involves using the laser to remove the entire surface of the skin, allowing it to heal in a more youthful way with fewer lines, wrinkles and other signs of sun damage. Laser treatments are normally performed by all of our non-surgical doctors including Dr Darren McKeown and Dr Rhona Cameron.
When the lines are a little less deep – or when a less dramatic change is desired – then a fractional laser like the Halo laser can help. This patient had a single session of Halo laser which has created a nice improvement in her lines and wrinkles. The Halo laser is often combined with some Broad Band Light (BBL) for even more impressive skin rejuvenation.
Finding the right treatment for you is the most important factor in ensuring that you are on the correct path to achieve the results you desire. Our pre-consultation enquiry helps us to identify your needs and, ultimately, gets you on the right path to achieving your optimal results.
Hear from our patients about their experience at McKeown Medical.
See how we treat fine lines and wrinkles with a combination of Halo & BBL.
Many patients are apprehensive about the prospect of undergoing laser treatments. With laser treatments however we are not changing the face, simply restoring the health of the skin to create a healthier and more youthful complexion – free from the signs of sun damage.
When we perform a fractional laser treatment we typically use some numbing cream and cold air to soothe the skin. When performing full field laser resurfacing, we perform this under local anaesthetic.
After a Halo laser you typically need 5 – 7 days for redness and swelling to settle. With full field resurfacing you typically need 10 – 14 days for the initial healing to take place, although it can take several months for the redness to fade completely.
You will normally see the results within the first week or two as your skin heals. However, the results of laser tend to evolve and improve over the first two or three months following treatment.
Our founder, Dr Darren McKeown, is renowned for his expertise and artistry with dermal fillers. As a peer-reviewed medical author, he is passionate about treatments that stand up to scientific scrutiny. Above all, Dr McKeown believes in a global approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.
Dr Rhona Cameron is a skilled injector who has been extensively trained in Dr McKeown’s signature intuitive technique. Her treatments blend advanced facial optimisation with powerful, energy-based devices – such as lasers, BBL and radio frequency – energising the appearance and enhancing skin health. approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.
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Our founder, Dr Darren McKeown, is renowned for his expertise and artistry with dermal fillers. As a peer-reviewed medical author, he is passionate about treatments that stand up to scientific scrutiny. Above all, Dr McKeown believes in a global approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.
Dr Rhona Cameron is a skilled injector who has been extensively trained in Dr McKeown’s signature intuitive technique. Her treatments blend advanced facial optimisation with powerful, energy-based devices – such as lasers, BBL and radio frequency – energising the appearance and enhancing skin health. approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.
A complete guide to recovery from upper eyelid surgery.
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A complete guide to recovery from upper eyelid surgery.
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