Breast Lift Glasgow

For a breast lift in Glasgow with one of Scotland’s leading breaast surgeons, book your breast uplift surgery at Dr Darren McKeown’s Aesthetic Medicine Institute.

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Breast Enlargement with Uplift

Dr. Darren McKeown Medical Director

Our founder, Dr Darren McKeown, is renowned for his expertise and artistry with dermal fillers. As a peer-reviewed medical author, he is passionate about treatments that stand up to scientific scrutiny. Above all, Dr McKeown believes in a global approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.

Dr. Darren McKeown offers award-winning Breast Lift treatments in Glasgow.


For a breast lift in Glasgow with one of Scotland’s leading breast surgeons, book your breast uplift surgery at Dr Darren McKeown’s Aesthetic Medicine Institute.

Breast lift mastopexy is a cosmetic procedure that involves reshaping the whole breast mound and tightening the surrounding skin to make them firmer and give them a naturally youthful, lifted appearance without reducing the breast volume (breast tissue).

Mastopexy is suitable for patients who have experienced a loss of volume in their breast tissue due to weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or the natural ageing process. Breast uplift surgery improves the appearance of drooping breasts by restoring their pertness.

Our breast lift treatment is carried out under general anaesthetic and may involve an overnight stay at one of our private hospital partners. Recovery from a breast uplift can take up to six weeks and we advise our patients to take it easy for the first two weeks.

Book an appointment online for your breast uplift in Glasgow


During the initial consultation for your breast uplift surgery, our consultant plastic surgeon will talk through exactly what you are looking to achieve shape-wise, the type of breast uplift you are seeking, and the scars you consider acceptable to achieve your desired results.

Any desired changes can be discussed and we will offer advice on the right breast uplift treatments to achieve the best possible results for your reshaped breasts. After this initial consultation, we will go ahead and book you in for your mastopexy procedure.

We encourage patients to ask as many questions as possible about the breast lift procedure during the initial consultation, but if you have any questions or concerns leading up to your breast lift procedure, you are welcome to call the clinic and we will answer your questions.

Your breast uplift mastopexy will happen at the Aesthetic Medicine Institute, Dr Darren McKeown’s aesthetic clinic in the heart of Glasgow, Scotland.

The procedure usually takes about 3 hours under general anaesthetic. It can also be performed with local anaesthetic and sedation.

Incision & Scar

This involves 3 incisions: a circular one around the areola, a vertical one from the areola to the crease at the bottom of the breast, and a lateral one along the crease. This forms the anchor comparison that it is named after, similar to an upside-down ‘T’.

Most of the scars are hidden fairly well in this way and settle with time.

Breast Size

Most patients do best with procedures that involve the anchor scar. Although it is best suited to cases that require a large amount of tissue removal.

This is because this style allows the surgeon the most leeway during the cosmetic procedure.

Are you ready to start your consultation?

Finding the right treatment for you is the most important factor in ensuring that you are on the correct path to achieve the results you desire. Our pre-consultation form helps us to identify your needs and, ultimately, gets you on the right path to achieving your optimal results.


There is currently no non-surgical breast augmentation procedure that can achieve the same dramatic, sometimes life-changing results breast lift surgery can. It is a safe and effective treatment for breast rejuvenation, which is why so many people choose to go this route.

A breast lift can be a challenging procedure, but it yields excellent results and very happy patients when it is done well by an experienced breast surgeon and looked after during the healing process.

There are various breast uplift surgery techniques to address droopy breasts. Our consultant plastic surgeon’s surgical technique for breast mastopexy depends on your shape, what you are looking to achieve from this treatment, and the scars involved.

The two main techniques for this procedure include:

Before & After: Following Breast Uplift Surgery

Inverted-T or 'Anchor'​

Most people wanting a considerable breast uplift are better suited to procedures that involve a scar around the areola — a vertical scar that runs from the areola down to the breast crease below the breast and another scar within the crease.

The scars are hidden fairly well and settle with time, making this a discreet procedure for breast lifts compared to traditional breast lift techniques.

Before & After: Following Breast Uplift Treatment

Vertical or 'Lollipop'​

People who want one or both breasts lifted slightly do very well with a technique that only leaves a scar around the areola and possibly a short vertical scar below the main scar.

Book your breast uplift in Glasgow at the Aesthetic Medicine Institute.


Most patients feel up to going home the same day of their treatment and prefer this to an overnight stay. However, you can stay overnight if you live alone, far away, or would just rather spend the night in a hospital after your breast uplift surgery.

Our consultant plastic surgeon does not use surgical drains in patients, so you can shower as soon as possible. However, you should avoid soaking your scars in water for prolonged periods during the first two weeks. This includes deep baths and swimming.

We recommend that patients avoid any heavy lifting or vigorous activity for at least two weeks following their breast lift surgery. You should slowly ease back into your normal activity and expect to get back to your normal pace after about six weeks.

Most of the swelling and discomfort usually settles within 3–4 weeks, though it can take a few months to settle completely. The scars usually improve considerably over the first three months, but they will take about a year to heal completely.

We will arrange a wound check one week after your breast uplift (mastopexy) procedure and schedule follow-ups at the practice after six weeks, three months, and six months.


The typical patients who are likely to get good results from a breast uplift are those who have had children and would like their breasts to look firmer or more like they used to before breastfeeding and gravity took its toll. Although many people who have never been happy with their breast shape or appearance, especially if they have drooping breasts, achieve fantastic results with breast uplift surgery too.

Most people who opt for this treatment want enhancements that flatter their physique, give them a better silhouette, and increase their body confidence with natural looking results.

A breast uplift can be combined with breast augmentation procedures, breast reduction surgery or breast implants to change the breast size and shape and add additional firmness, should that be your aim for your treatment.

Ready to book your breast uplift surgery?

Call us on 0141 370 0509 or use the online booking form below to book your procedure.


Along with using new breast lift techniques and offering a wealth of expertise and experience, our team also offers a human touch that is vital for your comfort during the treatment. We understand that the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery can be daunting. We also recognise that there is a lot of information, and misinformation, on the internet — often tainted by commercial bias, trying to persuade you to make a snap decision.

At the Aesthetic Medicine Institute, we take a different approach.

Our staff understand the thought process and emotional challenges you face when contemplating cosmetic surgery and want to help you by providing accurate, unbiased information to help guide you through your decision-making process rather than rush you into booking your breast uplift in Scotland with us.

A Leading Breast Surgeon in Scotland

If you choose to have your breast uplift surgery at our clinic, you can be guaranteed that your procedure will be carried out by a highly-skilled consultant plastic surgeon whose NHS practice is dedicated to breast uplift surgery and breast reconstruction.

That’s right — breast surgery is what he does all day, every day.

We believe that by having super specialists like Dr Russell Bramhall carry out each breast lift in our clinic, we can achieve the best possible results in the safest possible way, giving you the best chance of a successful outcome.

This is why we are one of the leading clinics for breast lifts in Glasgow.

Book an online consultation for your breast lift procedure today!

Are you ready to start your consultation?

Finding the right treatment for you is the most important factor in ensuring that you are on the correct path to achieve the results you desire. Our pre-consultation form helps us to identify your needs and, ultimately, gets you on the right path to achieving your optimal results.

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Your Expert Team


Dr Darren McKeown

Our founder, Dr Darren McKeown, is renowned for his expertise and artistry with dermal fillers. As a peer-reviewed medical author, he is passionate about treatments that stand up to scientific scrutiny. Above all, Dr McKeown believes in a global approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.

Medical Director

Dr Rhona Cameron

Dr Rhona Cameron is a skilled injector who has been extensively trained in Dr McKeown’s signature intuitive technique. Her treatments blend advanced facial optimisation with powerful, energy-based devices – such as lasers, BBL and radio frequency – energising the appearance and enhancing skin health. approach; delivering flawless results – and rejuvenation that lasts.

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