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Whether you’re looking to book a consultation, or simply have a few initial questions, our front of house team is here to help.

McKeown Medical,
202 West George St,
Glasgow, G2 2PQ

Opening Hours

9am — 6pm
9am — 6pm
9am — 6pm
9am — 6pm
9am — 6pm
9am — 5pm

Let's Connect

Whether you’re looking to book a consultation, or simply have a few initial questions, our front of house team is here to help.

Our reviews

Because good skin is always in! As summer draws to a close here is a little reminder of what matters when it comes to looking after your skin from our very fabulous medical director, Dr Rhona Cameron. What are your top tips?
We know we love a combination treatment! This patient came to us originally about the bags under her eyes which we addressed with some laser resurfacing and then some filler. We then came back a couple of weeks later and addressed the volume loss in the others areas of the face including the cheeks, chin and jowls. 

She is a few weeks after her treatment now and delighted with her outcome. What do you think?
Upper eyelid surgery is one of the most popular procedures we perform in the clinic. Although it's a simple procedure that essentially involves removing a small amount of skin fat and muscle above the eyes, making the decision about how much of what to remove - and how much to leave behind - is an art, and one that varies considerably from surgeon to surgeon. @bramhallplasticsurgery is our resident eyelid expert. Here's a little video of him explaining how he approaches eyelid surgery to deliver beautiful, natural results that leave our patients looking fresh not frozen!
Crepey skin and fine lines under the eyes are one of the most common concerns patients talk to us about in the clinic. This area can't always be improved using wrinkle relaxing injections or dermal filler as the problem is not always caused by volume loss. 

When patients have this concern, the only way to get rid of it is with resurfacing. Although we normally do this as part of a full face resurfacing procedure, we can treat the eyelids in isolation for some patients - like this lovely lady. The rest of her skin was in good condition, so we just treated the fine lines under her eyes. She's delighted with the results. 

What do you think?
The volumetric facelift is one of the most popular procedures that we do in the clinic. It’s a signature part of our practice that we are best known for. It treats many of the underlying causes of facial ageing - loss of fat, reabsorption of bone - resulting in a rejuvenated, but natural appearance. Here’s a little video of our medical director Dr Rhona Cameron talking about it. What do you think?
The lower eyelid is one of the most complex areas of the face to improve. Most patients have a combination of problems under the eyes and so they need a combination of treatments to achieve the best result. 

This patient had some volume loss, which was treated with some filler, but she also had some fine lines and loose skin which we treated with laser resurfacing. She is six weeks out from her treatment and already delighted with the results. 

What do you think?
Not all lip aesthetics are about volume! Very often its the shape of the lip thats the issue, rather than volume. This patient had tried filler before but without achieving the outcome she wanted. She came to see the very talented @bramhallplasticsurgery  who diagnosed the real issue - the length of her lip. Her performed a lip lift procedure to shorten the lip, which everted the red part of the and improve the promotions. The after photo is a couple of months later. The scar under the nose still looks a little red, but that will continue to fade as the months go by. She had no filler or any other volume added to her lip - just the lift. 

She's absolutely delighted with the results - what do you think?

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